Pairing cheese and cocktails

Pairing cheese and cocktails

Pairing cheese and wine? Old news. (Delicious, delicious old news, of course.) Now it’s time to pair cheese with cocktails! I had the absolute delight of an opportunity recently to teach a class with Kerry Jerred, a cheese professional (which is a good candidate...
Crafting a charcuterie board

Crafting a charcuterie board

As opposed to the American happy hour, which is often an attempt to shake off the day, the European practice of apéro is a celebration of the continuation of the day. An opening into the evening and a prepping of the palate for supper. In the words of food writer...
Enjoying summer by the pool

Enjoying summer by the pool

It’s a pool, pool summer… So you probably want summer by the pool recipes. Let’s talk about pools for a minute. Where have pools been all my life? I hope for your sake you have had more outdoor pools in your life than I have had in mine. I never thought I...
Summer afternoon, summer afternoon…

Summer afternoon, summer afternoon…

It may not be a widely acknowledged fact that poetry and aperitifs are the *perfect* pairing, but they ARE. And we are headed toward picnic perfection. I was recently introduced to this poem, and I think it might be the most perfect of all (not to mention you could...
Cocktail garnishes

Cocktail garnishes

Garnish like a pro! I’m a committed garnish skeptic. I like pretty cocktail garnishes when I see them in photos, but in my actual drink? They always somehow seem to hit me in the face and then I spill down my shirt and well…I suppose it was my own fault for wearing...